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Combining Marketing & Technology for a Cybersecurity Campaign

Our cybersecurity client which provides solutions in the Identity Access Management needed our help to develop a targeted campaign for their Privileged Access Management (PAM) consulting practice. This practice is one of an array of specialized services they provide, and this campaign also served as a blueprint to expand to serve these other areas.


Target C-level security leaders (ie. CTO, CSO, CISO) in an engaging way that sheds light on the current PAM maturity level of their organization. Ultimately by providing this insight, security executives would be inclined to work with our client to help mend the holes in their cybersecurity practices.


We developed an integrated campaign that takes the user through an assessment quiz, which once completed provides a score based on the maturity level of their PAM practice in their organization. Additionally, a customized report is sent to the respondent which is packed with best practices on how they can respond to the security threats they may be facing (based on their maturity score). Ultimately the report contains information on our client's cybersecurity practice and a call-to-action to reach out for their support.


In collaboration with experts from our client's organization, we designed and developed the following components:

Assessment Quiz

  • Questions were drafted with SME's from client's organization

  • Scoring logic - each response was assigned a weighted score which ultimately resolved into a final maturity score upon quiz completion

Maturity Report

  • A report was auto-generated based on the maturity score

  • Each respondent would receive a custom report based on their unique PAM maturity situation as assessed by the quiz.

  • Once auto-generated, the report is automatically attached to an email which is then triggered and sent to the respondent's inbox.

Landing Page

  • We designed and developed a custom landing page for the campaign, architecting the challenges-solutions-benefits of PAM maturity and the business impacts it has.

  • The site was structured as a sub-domain from their main website to keep the SEO strategy separated.

  • Our partner Company B provided the development for the landing page, quiz logic and digital setup of the properties.

Digital Advertising

  • Our digital marketing partner MediaTonic spearheaded a digital campaign to drive leads to the landing page and convert visitors into taking the quiz.

  • The campaign consisted of search advertising, Linkedin ads and ABM email marketing based on an existing list the client had in their CRM.

  • MediaTonic's principal, Shelley Mantei, was involved from early stages of this project contributing to all the components above.


Planning: With our client's CMO, we architected the components of the campaign

Content: We collected information needed from internal stakeholders (ie. quiz questions, business impacts of PAM)

Scoring Logic: Based on the weighted score of each answer, we created a scoring methodology for the final PAM maturity score.

Prototype: We designed a working prototype of the quiz using spreadsheets that took inputs via quiz Q&A and outputs of a maturity score and report responses.

Quiz Design: Utilizing the prototype, we developed the quiz and scoring logic.

Report Design: Layout and design of the report was created keeping in mind the variability of content based on the different scoring tiers.

Landing Page: We created the landing with information architecture, copy, content and visual design and web development.

Implementation: With all the pieces created, the landing page and quiz was launched with automated scoring, report generation and email distribution

Digital Campaign: With the quiz launched and working, the digital campaign was developed and executed.

The overall workflow of the campaign. It's structured by three flow: Marketing Funnel, User Flow and Technical Flow.

Quiz, Scoring Logic and Report Prototype

Landing Page

PAM Scale Design

Quizlet Landing Page

Report Design





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